Readers will learn with sincere regret that at the end of this term Downhills
Central School will be parting with its most valued friend, for Mr. Mercer will
be retiring after twenty four years as Headmaster.
We are pleased that he has kindly accorded us the privilege of publishing his
All will wish to join us in recording in this issue of our magazine our
appreciation of his loyal and devoted services to the school, and in expressing our
gratitude for his un-failing kindliness, and for all the benefits and happy years,
which those who have been fortunate enough to work with him on his staff or as
pupils, owe to his wise guidance. We extend to Mr. and to Mrs. Mercer our sincere
wishes for their continued health, enjoyment and happiness in the future.
In compiling this magazine, we are naturally faced with the problem of finding
suitable material for our readers, whether they are present members or past members
of the School.
We had to advertise the fact that there was indeed to be our own magazine and
then to persuade, badger or actually bulldoze people into submitting written
Now at last we have gone to press and you can see before you the result. We hope
you like it. We realise, however, that there must be many of you brimming over with
news, articles or constructive suggestions for our next edition. So please do not
delay, but send your efforts in to the Editors.
Here are some ideas. We want snippets of news regarding old scholars particularly as
regards marriage, employment, travel, further examination successes, life as a
conscript in H.M. Forces and its effect on returning to employment.
Pupils of the School are asked to submit articles on any particularly interesting
occasion such as School visits, news of elder brothers and sisters who were formerly
pupils of the School. Remember, you are our reporters, so...
On to the next, please!
BEING AN ACTOR by Francis Bailey
Many people think that to be an actor is easy with no work attached. This is very
far from the truth. I took part in the School plays and, although it was fun to do
the work, sometimes I felt very tired and annoyed.
After a while I felt I had no wish to see or hear the same lines again, but as
the time approached for the plays to start I forgot all this in the excitement. As I
entered the make-up room with my costume on I saw an array of sticks of grease paint
and powder. After being made up I waited for my call, and then stood in the wings,
my heart beating quickly and a strange feeling in my stomach. Then I went on and
after my first line it was all right and I settled down to my role. After it was all
over I felt glad I had taken part and I would gladly do all that work again just for
the pleasure it had given me.